Single Page Calendar

This is the template Single Page Calendar. A template that can be used by LibreOffice online, OpenOffice, Microsoft office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) or Office 365.
Download or edit the template Single Page Calendar valid for LibreOffice online, OpenOffice, Microsoft office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) or Office 365.
This project creates a single page calendar based on the month and year you input into the prompt.It is possible to generate whatever month and year you want.
Macro security must be level medium or lower to work.
This project contains a table.
A macro file that is contained within the document will prompt for the month and year you wish to generate.
Once you click OK the calendar will be filled.
This project requires that the security for macros be set to medium or lower.
I suggest medium so you still have to enable the macros by clicking a button.
Sorry it is English only for now.
Free download template Single Page Calendar integrated with the OffiDocs web apps